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Environmental Science & Technology

Enhanced Degradation of TCE on a Superfund Site Using Endophyte-Assisted Poplar Tree Phytoremediation

Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a widespread environmental pollutant common in groundwater plumes associated with industrial manufacturing areas...

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Applied and Environmental Microbiology  

Degradation, Phytoprotection and Phytoremediation of Phenanthrene by Endophyte Pseudomonas putida, PD1

Endophytes have been isolated from a large diversity of plants and have been shown to enhance the remediation efficiency of plants, but little information is available on...



Enviornmental Science and Technology 

A combined compost, dolomite, and endophyte addition is more effective than single amendments for improving phytorestoration of metal contaminated mine tailings. 

A Re-vegetation of mining impacted landscapes reduces transport of toxic element while improving soil fertility. This study evaluates... 

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Environmental Science & Technology

Biodegradation of Trichloroethylene by an Endophyte Hybrid Poplar

Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a common environmental contaminant (16). High levels of TCE have the potential to cause liver damage and malfunctions in the central nervous system...

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Remedition Volume 31, Issue 1  

Phytoremediation of slightly brackish, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon‐contaminated groundwater from 250 ft below land surface:

A pilot‐scale study using salt‐tolerant, endophyte‐enhanced hybrid poplar trees at a Superfund site in the Central Valley of California, April‒November 2019

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