Our Partners
Our Partners
Endophyte Assisted Phytoremediation
Microbial Solutions
uses its collection of unique, naturally occurring
tree endophytes to inoculate trees and grasses
to effectively remove and degrade contaminants
in groundwater, surface water, and soil.
Endophyte Benefits
Provides phyto protection to fatal levels of contaminants to plants
Breakdown of contaminants in-planta
Decreases nitrogen fertilizer requirements
Decreases phosphorus fertilizer requirements
Increases drought, flood, and salt tolerance
Endophytes living inside of plant cells
Inoculated poplars growing on top of a TCE groundwater plume
A Modern Approach for Historic Contamination
Our endophyte-assisted phytoremediation systems
have allowed for site groundwater hydrological control and regulator-approved discontinuation of costly groundwater pump-and-treat systems
and soil vapor extraction systems.
Poplar trees can reach groundwater
at depths of up to 30 feet alone.
Solar driven systems can address and clean contaminated groundwater at any depth.
Our proprietary systems have been deployed at
Superfund sites, former military sites, industrial sites,
and office parks
with the review and approval of the EPA and state regulatory agencies.
The Intrinsic Benefits of Trees
Our sustainable remediation systems provide a greener alternative to traditional remediation practices.
In addition to cleaning up harmful contaminants and releasing innocuous by-products,
trees provide a host of benefits to the surrounding communities and ecosystems.
Sequester atmospheric CO2
Trees near buildings can reduce heating and air conditioning demands, reducing emissions
Intercept stormwater and reduce erosion
Increase property value of nearby homes
Provide habitat for native wildlife
Reduce the heat island effect in urban areas
Improve the mental health of nearby communities